Please read thoroughly our Community Agreements and Standards of Ethics + Consent. This is a foundational standard we hold and navigate from for ourselves and those in our collective spaces. This list is non-exhaustive and serves as a standard of inspiration. As we evolve, so will our agreements. Please review frequently and if there are standards that you feel passionate about that are not included below - let us know and we will review and consider how they can fit into this space too.
It is each individual’s obligation and responsibility to know, understand, and adhere to these in order to access the spaces we hold. These are our foundational standards to help empower free expression and connection and also centering the ability for all members of our community to discover their own sense of safety while navigating many people, experiences, and dynamics in one space. If you see or experience violations to the community agreements, have questions about anything included, or if you feel that something is missing, please reach out to us at
All people, identities, and expressions are welcomed here.
All behaviors and actions are not.
We center ETHICAL + CONSENSUAL connection, striving for no harm + when harm occurs, taking actions towards reduction and solution. We are a blended, diverse community coming together with many backgrounds, lived experiences, identities, desires, expressions, ideas, and layers of work.
There are things that we will not tolerate within this space, within our community, at our events or experiences - on + offline. Any acts inside our spaces in violation of our zero tolerances will result in the revocation of your access to any on or offline offers without refund and will require deliberate actions of repair before allowance of return is considered. This list is meant to cover baselines and is ever-evolving, just like our community.
Please read and familiarize yourself with the full list of community agreements below.
By entering our spaces, you are agreeing that you are aware and consenting to adhere to and uphold them.
• No hate speech, bullying, name calling, harassment, racism, homo/transphobia, gender bashing, anti-fatness/fatphobia, ableism, or other acts of intentional harm.
• No posting or sharing of anyone's personal / private information, belongings or property without explicit permission from the individual or group. Ex: photographs, videos, voice recordings, contact information, stories/experiences, etc.
We center and honor explicit consent in all connections, on and offline. Every person is responsible for understanding and implementing ethical and consensual connection practices. Ethical connection is founded on informed consent and not promising or practicing unassisted outside of your experience level or scope of practice. Honor people’s no’s. Anything other than an enthusiastic yes is a no. No means no. Maybe means no. Silence or no response means no. And hesitation means no. If you are choosing to engage in any connection, no matter the type, it’s ethical to provide information relevant to the setting, scene or experience to all people involved so that they can choose with full disclosure what they are consenting to. We take violations of consent seriously and violations to these standards may result in probation or permanent removal from the space.
This environment is held with the intention to be welcoming. We are a diverse community coming together with many backgrounds, lived experiences, identities, desires, expressions, ideas, and layers of work. Let's treat everyone with respect. With this in mind, there will be times when each of us needs to consider being humble and accepting of something that may not fully align with our personal beliefs and there will be times when we need to consider and act with humility to allow peace to exist within the community. Connection, relationships, and community will always have moments of friction or conflict, but in community space, we center resolution, resources, and care. Open dialog + varying opinions are natural, but kindness, compassion, and inclusivity are required at all times. Comments, events, or conversations not displaying this will be redirected, flagged + removed. Individuals who have repeated actions that display this type of behavior may be asked to leave the space and not welcomed back without actions of repair.
Bullying of any kind is not allowed, and degrading comments or actions about things like race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, abilities, gender, bodies, or identity will not be tolerated. Please practice using inclusive languaging. Respect people’s identities, expressions, and experiences. Report any concerns to the admin.
This space is designed for community building, education, and shared experiences. Give more than you take to this group. Any posts off topic will be removed. Any users continuously posting off topic will be removed. We have dedicated spaces designed for sharing and promoting your personal events - please use these with discernment and consideration of everyone’s experiences.
We are gathering as a community of people holding many identities, histories, and complexities. This is a space for exploring + embodying practices and connections that may feel therapeutic but this is not a therapy session. Consider how, what, and in which ways you share and hold space so that we can collectively find connection through guided releasing. If you need further support, please refer to our resource list or reach out to the admin team directly at and we can help you find space and support that aligns for what you need.
When sharing, center your release on your own experience while also holding space for others to do the same. Please be mindful and discerning about the details included as we are all navigating our own experiences. When others share, focus on listening to what they say to hear, over the urge to respond. When there's a desire to respond, pause. Ask for permission to connect and what the individual wants, ie: validation, support, just to be heard, etc.
We each must determine our own sense of safety in shared spaces. You will be invited to try a number of practices that will support your self exploration. Listen to your sensations and take pause to determine in which ways feel aligned with where you are at today and what feels okay for you to engage and in which ways. If you’re experiencing trouble finding your own sense of safety or are feeling unsafe please let a facilitator or a community manager know so we can support you.
What's shared here, stays here. What's learned here, can leave here. Please honor and respect people’s privacy and do not share their personal details, stories, images/videos, or anything else shared within this app, in conversations, at events, in classes, at gatherings or anywhere else on or offline without their explicit consent. We can all learn and grow together while respecting other people’s process and experiences.
As we center safety and consent, we value sober connection, exploration, expression, and play. Although some of our events and experiences will have options that allow you to explore expanded states of consciousness, we encourage and amplify responsible and balanced consumption and request you choose to communicate with full disclosure of any level of inebriation before you connect with everyone involved as a practice of ethical and informed consent. Please read the event description for the class you are signing up for to find more details about that specific space.
It's important that we create avenues for our community to not only create connection through our joys, but also that we create ways to address concerns and create resolutions that allow us to grow through our challenges. If something arises within our community and you have an incident that you'd like to find support and resolution for, please use our Conflict + Concern Report form to file a report. We learn, heal, grow, and become our most authentic, liberated selves in community.
Submit your concerns here:
If you have any questions about our Community Agreements or suggestions of additions or if you witness or experience any violations to these agreements, please reach out to an admin team member for support by emailing us at Thank you!
*This spaces we hold, our house rules, community agreements, and the languaging and navigation of spaces are a cumulation of standards created by our larger community leaders, facilitators + educators and adopted to align with our own. We've learned how to create safer and more consensual shared experiences from Radical School of Healing, House of Black, Birthing Advocacy, Love of Fear Wellness, Moksha Healing Collaborative, The Rope Collective, Breath Liberation Society, PESI, Flynn Skidmore, Dan Brule, NASM, Dr. Gabor Mate, and many more. As we continue to learn and grow and discover what collectively makes us all feel safe. Thank you for being here and cultivating community with us.
with love + gratitude,
Self Study x Inbody Knowledge
updated 10.23.24